Creating the Files

SchoolWise can extract data needed for external service vendors that your district partners with. Exports can either be manually run in SchoolWise or set up as automated tasks through Windows Task Scheduler. In order for us to create the files for your external vendor, we require the following:

  1. The current file specification
  2. The required file format - tab, csv, txt, with or without headers, etc. Please be specific.

Uploading the Files

If you use a local server to host SchoolWise:

We can send the files to another location as long as the location is an SFTP site. SchoolWise does not provide the data to your vendor (ie. no API integration). We only transmit files to an SFTP site . We would need the following:
  1. SFTP address (hostname and port)
  2. SFTP login credentials (username and password).

If the vendor requires custom software to upload files (or the use of a web browser), we can export the files to a folder on your server, but it is your responsibility to:
  1. Know how to access your district's server.
  2. Verify that the files are in the correct expected format.
  3. Supply the files to your service vendor using their software.

If you use our Online Hosting server:

We will upload the files each night to an SFTP server. We can send the files to another location as long as the location is an SFTP site. If the service vendor or your district has their own SFTP locations set up, we can send the files as long as:

  1. You give us the SFTP address (hostname and port)
  2. And provide us with the SFTP login credentials (username and password).

If the vendor requires custom software to upload files (or the use of a web browser), your district will need to use your own SFTP server. If the district doesn't have a static IP address, a dynamic DNS service can be used. This means it is your responsibility to:
  1. Set up your SFTP server which includes:
    • Installation and identifying SFTP address (either IP address or dynamic DNS provided host name).
    • Opening necessary ports in Firewall 
    • Whitelisting the SchoolWise Hosting Server
  2. Know how to access your district's SFTP server (both locally and through its IP address).
  3. Verify that the files are in the correct expected format.
  4. Upload the files to your vendor using their software/application.

The following quick how-to guides detail how to get your own SFTP server up and running:

Please Note: We do not provide API Integration with external service vendors. Files are only transferred through SFTP or vendor supplied custom software.

Vendor List

These are some of the vendors that we currently work with. Vendors that use custom software to transmit files are noted below. 

  • Blackboard Connect
  • Blackboard Mass Communicator
  • CrisisGo 
  • BrightBytes
  • Clever Dreambox
  • Ellevation
  • eTrition
  • Follet Destiny
  • Google Apps - Custom Upload*
  • G Suite for Education - Custom Upload*
  • Hoonuit Vantage
  • Illuminate
  • Lexia Learning
  • McGraw/Pearson 
  • Mealtime - Custom Upload*
  • Nutrikids - Custom Upload*
  • ParentSquare
  • Renaissance Place
  • School Messenger
  • School Reach - Custom Upload*
  • SchoolCity
  • SEIS - Custom Upload*
  • Thrillshare
  • Titan

*Please Remember: If your vendor uses custom software to transmit files and your district is using our Online Hosting Service, your district will need to set up an SFTP Server to receive the files.