Recurring Alerts are daily alerts for predetermined situations, most typically contacting parents of students with unverified absences.  To define a recurring alert, click on the Recurring Alerts tab and then click the button New Recurring Alert.





Presently there are two templates available: Daily Student Absent Alert and Student Absent Reminder.  The Job Name for Scheduler Queue is the name of the recurring alert that will be displayed on your alert list.

Daily Student Absent Alert

This template will send text, voice, and email messages to parents of students absent on the current day with un-cleared absences (meaning an Absent reason of ?).  Most schools tend to send these alerts at about 10 AM.  Below is a sample of text you might use.



The default time for the alert is 10 AM, but you may set it to another time.  After clicking Send Alert, it shows up in the message queue and will send alerts every day to parents of students with unverified absences on the current date.



Student Absent Reminder Alert

The Student Absent Reminder alert template sends alerts to parents regarding older unverified absences.  If absences have not been cleared within a number of days then this will send alerts to parents for one or more days in a row until the absences have been cleared.  After clicking on the Recurring Alerts button choose the Student Absent Reminder template and then set the Start sending after this many days and Stop sending after this many days numbers and then set the time, fill in the text, phone and email message boxes and then click Send Alert.  It will then function like other recurring alerts.