Adding Additional Recipient Filters
Clicking on the Select Filters button in the upper right-hand corner of the form opens the form shown below.
Clicking on the box below the Students Enrolled in a School button brings up the form below:
The default is Students Enrolled in a School, meaning the parents of those students. Choosing Students Enrolled in a Class will allow you later on to choose one or more class sections to filter. In addition to regular class sections you could define sections in the main SchoolWise system such as Field Trip, Band, Choir, or even Saturday School, enroll students in the sections, and then send messages only to those students� parents.
Please note that you can add multiple filters but they are cumulative, meaning the more conditions you add the narrower the selection becomes. For example, if you choose a multi-grade section (like Band) and also choose Students in a Grade Level (like Grade 7) then the alerts would only go to seventh graders in enrolled in band. You can choose multiple class sections and multiple grade levels, but if you choose both grade levels and class sections then you will restrict the student members of the sections to the grade levels selected. Unless you know exactly why you would want to choose grade levels and class sections (targeting seventh grade band members as in the example), it is best not to use multiple filters as they can become very complex logically.
The section Students Absent from School Today finds all of the absent students with un-cleared absences (meaning an Absent reason of ?) and then alerts those parents. (This filter is used in a template which we will cover later when we discuss Recurring Alerts.)
After you have added the filters you want press the Save button.
If you click on the box below Class Sections, a list opens up with all of the class sections in your school. By holding down the Shift key you can select multiple sections with the mouse. Notice that as you select sections they become buttons showing which sections have been selected. You can remove a section at any time by clicking on the red X in the button.
We could have performed a similar action using grade levels instead of class sections if we had selected grade levels as the criteria in the filter setup form.
After you have chosen the list of recipients, it is time to define the contents of the alert.