Previously enrolled students who do not show up on the first day of school:

If a student was enrolled the prior school year and was given an E155 in CALPADS, but does not return on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL they should be marked as Absent. Absences should be used every time until a minimum of three days of unexcused absences. (at this point see E140) Adjusting the ADA class start date is not the correct procedure. Changing the ADA class start date instead of marking a student as absent can cause Auditing problems, issues with CALPADS submissions, and does not follow Truancy guidelines as laid out by the CDE. (Please see the link below)

CALPADS End Status Codes and Descriptions

Every attempt should be made to locate these students and update their CALPADS enrollment records. 

Inactivate Student Attendance Reason: E140 - NoKnownEnrollTruant (see example below)

If the next school of attendance is unknown for a student who was enrolled in the prior year, this is no longer considered a No Show student. The student is considered Truant.  The district needs to withdraw the student using the E140 - NoKnownEnrollTruant code after a minimum of three days of unexcused absences.  Districts must make every attempt to locate the student, including checking CALPADS for enrollment. (Please see the chart below for examples).

Students unenrolled from the district using an Exit Reason of E140 -NoKnownEnrollTruant represents potential dropouts for a district that could be included in the Cohort Graduation Rate Calculation. Every attempt should be made to locate these students and update their CALPADS enrollment records.

During the first week of school, it would be best to keep a close eye on the following report:

Attendance Totals By Student NoExc

Student Exit Code Quick Reference Chart

Student Prior Year EnrollmentSSID Obtained?Student Current EnrollmentExit CodeExit DateNo Show Form
EnrolledE155 SubmittedYesUnknownInactivate Student Attendance Reason: E140 - NoKnownEnrollTruant (see example below)Leave Date: Student must be unexcused for a minimum of three days. Districts must make every attempt to locate the student, including checking CALPADS for enrollment.No
Enrolled E155 SubmittedYesAnother California Public SchoolNo Show Student Summer Withdrawal Code: 160 - TransCASchRegularSummer Withdrawal Date: Last day from prior yearYes
Enrolled E155 SubmittedYesPrivate School, Out of State, Out of Country, etc.No Show Student Summer Withdrawal Code: T180 - Private School, T200 - Out of State, T240 - Out of Country, etc.Summer Withdrawal Date: Last day from prior yearYes
Not Enrolled on Last Day of Prior YearYesUnknown,Private School,Out of State,Out of Country,Another California Public SchoolNo Show Student Summer Withdrawal Code: N470 - NoShowSummer Withdrawal Date: After July 1st, but prior to first dayYes
Never EnrolledYesUnknownNo Show Student Summer Withdrawal Code: N470 - NoShowSummer Withdrawal Date: After July 1st, but prior to first dayYes
Never EnrolledNoPrivate School,Out of State,Out of Country, etc.No Show Student Summer Withdrawal Code: N470 - NoShow*Summer Withdrawal Date: After July 1st, but prior to first day*Yes
*If a student has NEVER attended a California public school and an SSID has not been obtained, the student record can be deleted.

N470 - NoShow Description

The student’s enrollment was exited because the student, who has no prior enrollments in the school, was pre-enrolled but did not show up as expected to attend the school. This exit represents a nullification of the pre-enrollment and should only be used for a student’s: (1) first enrollment in CALPADS (e.g. kindergarten students or transfer students from a private school or a school outside of California; or (2) first-time enrollment in a school as a result of matriculation from another school.