1) Teachers mark the class attendance in the Gradebook.

2) When done, each teacher should click the 'Attendance Not Taken' button to change the status to 'Attendance Taken'. This will inform the Office that the teacher has recorded the attendance for that class.  

3) The Office can run the following desktop report to know the taken status:

If your school is taking period attendance, set the Section Period parameter to '!= 0H'. All periods 1-8 will be included. 

4) The Office then runs the  following report and contacts parents about unverified absences (It includes all attendance with the reason '? - Unexcused - reason unknown').

The following is an alternate report if you not need the parental contact information:

5) Open the Desktop Attendance form. If the student was absent for the day, set the day/period 0H attendance status and reason. The day status and reason will overwrite any period attendance set for the day. If the student was only tardy or absent for a class, enter the reason for that class.

6) Once the Office has verified the attendance and set all the reasons for either the day or every period absent or tardy, they should click the 'Taken' status button until it says 'Complete'.