Now that students are back to in-person learning or a mix of distance learning, the state is requiring a new bi-weekly form be submitted (ie. AB 86 Data Submission Aggregation). Most of the information has to be populated by the school, but the following can come from SchoolWise:

  • Number of students in full-time in-person instruction
  • Number of students in hybrid instruction
  • Number of students in distance learning
  • Number of students enrolled in school 

Just be aware that this form is not talking about attendance but instead about how the student is being instructed. While there is no way to accurately determine what a student is doing based on what's currently entered in SchoolWise (class section enrollment and attendance is unreliable), a new student Action can be used to track this information as follows:

Your school will need to enter this information for every single student. Once entered, a new Action is only needed if a student changes the type of instruction (paying attention to the date of the Action). Once the data is entered for every student, the following report can be used to determine the totals:

When running the report, make sure to set the Sort Order parameter to 'Track 0 Caption' so that the information is grouped and totaled correctly. If you want to see the details for that Action you can use the alternate layout 'Generic Student Action List'.

Please email if you would like this Action set up for your school.

If you don't want to use an Action, but instead want to just use attendance (again, this may or may not be accurate if teachers are not consistent in attendance), you could use a report like 'Absent List For 1 Day' to find out which students were DL Engaged or DL Unengaged for a particular day. 

Then, it's just a matter or subtracting that number from your enrollment to get the in-person students. You can use 'Count Enrollment and ADA On A Given Day' to get those numbers.

Things to keep in mind: Using attendance in this manner doesn't account for hybrid students. Also, if teachers don't take any attendance, by default students are considered in-person present.