To review completed online student registration forms please click the Administration menu in the top right hand corner and select Manage Online Registration as seen below:
The student registration review screen will appear below. Click on any student name to view the details of each form on the right hand side. Each online form that has been filled out and submitted to the school will have an indicator in the top right corner of the form. Forms must be approved one at a time before the data can be saved to SchoolWise. To approve a form click on Needs Approval.
When you click on: Needs Approval the form will open up as seen below with a choice selection toolbar directly under the title. By default Highlight Changed Values will be selected. This will show you changes that were made to the form for you to review:
Each form status and the selections you can choose are listed below:
Edit Form Data - choosing this allows you to directly edit the form and make any changes. This can be used to fill out the form for parents in the event they are having trouble, or you can use it to change anything that needs to be corrected. Once you edit the data you can click Submit to School and this will change the form status back to "Needs Approval".
Before a parent enters any information or reviews a form the status will say "No Data" as as below:
Once a parent has entered information on a form and chooses submit to the school, the status will change to "Needs Approval" as seen below. Click on it to change the status.
Return to Author - choosing this sends the form back to the parent for them to make changes and sets the form status to "Returned to Author for Correction". Once the parent re-submits the status will change back to "Needs Approval".
Approve for Upload - this will approve the form and change the status to Ready for Upload as below:
Once all forms have been set to Ready for Upload you will see a blue button that says Upload Packet appear in the top right hand cornet of the form window. Click on that button to upload your forms to SchoolWise and synchronize the data.
All forms that have been upload to SchoolWise will now show as Upload Complete.
Reject - by choosing this it's like throwing away the form and excluding it from upload. Choose this if the form needs to be ignored for upload to SchoolWise. The form status will be changed to Rejected.