Weekly Engagement Log For Teachers
Teachers must maintain a weekly Engagement log. The State has suggested the form below.
SchoolWise has come up with a way to accomplish this. If your school has decided to implement our weekly Engagement Log these are the steps
Setting Up the Weekly Logs
The good news is that his only has to be done once a week. When teachers log into the online gradebook they see a list of all of their classes:
Standards based gradebooks are accessed by clicking on the building blocks. In this example the log has been set up for the Grade 4 attendance class.
Once Standards Based Gradebook opens, click on the Assessments button and then Add New Class Assessment:
The following form opens:
Name the assessment. Suggestion for each recurring week:
- Week 01 Engagement Log,
- Week 02 Engagement Log,
- Week 03 Engagement Log, etc.
The assessment date must be a Monday unless Moday is a holiday. In that case use Tuesday’s date.
Check Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (scroll down to check Thursday and Friday.
Click Save. The form opens to fill in the values for each day.
We are suggesting using our web-based Standards Grading system as a vehicle allowing data input for the weekly log which will be printed as a report. For details on setting this up in the system please refer to School Year 2020-2021 Distance Attendance Accounting Technical Setup. The form below gives an overview of how teachers would enter data for the weekly log:
Do not fill the form in for all of the students; only one.
The form that will be printed only needs one record for the entire class not each student. This is essentially a weekly lesson plan for the entire class. See the example form at the top of this article. The State put this requirement out on August 24, 2020 without giving student information vendors any advanced knowledge. So we borrowed one of the tools we have (Standards Based gradebooks) and put something together that works. This record is like a lesson plan for the entire class – NOT student by student. We only need to know what the entire class did on each day of the week. Therefore we only need one record. This is essentially a workaround to get the class learning log. Additionally it makes the teachers’ job easier only have to enter one record.
This is a weekly log of daily work assigned for a particular class. This example is only showing Monday and Tuesday but it scrolls to the right displaying columns for Monday through Friday. In elementary schools this could be for just one self-contained class. In middle and high schools this could be for each separate subject.
Instruction Methods:
- In-Person Instruction means that the instruction occurred at the school site. Don't fill this in for distance learning - ONLY if the student is physically at school.
- Video or Online Synchronous Instruction/Assignment means two-way (synchronous) communication between the teachers and the students. Typically this means a Zoom meeting although some teachers speak to parents of young children on the telephone daily.
- Asynchronous Instruction means independent work performed by the student. Typically this would be completing an assignment independently and submitting it either on line (Google Classroom or some other method) or somehow presenting evidence of completion to the teacher.
These methods of instruction can be full day or partial day. To indicate a full day utilizing one of the instruction methods listed above the teacher enters a value of 2 in the score box. A partial day would be entered as a value of 1. In elementary schools the day might begin with a Zoom meeting and then assignments might be given to the students. In this case values of 1 Partial Day would be entered in both Video or Online Synchronous Instruction/Assignment and Asynchronous Instruction. The values of 1 or 2 must be used. Letters or any other codes will not work.
Entering Notes
Notes can be entered by clicking on the icons shown below.
Printing the Weekly Engagement Log
In the Standards gradebook click on the Class Printer button and then More Class Reports.
Expand Roster Reports and then click on Weekly Engagement Learning Log.
Click View Report at the top of the page.
Set the parameter to the correct class.
Then click Submit.