Students with more than one Admin Action can be added by created additional Suspension records with the same values as the original record. The Incident ID# will need a suffix '*' added for each additional Admin Action.
For example:
If the student had two actions (eg. Suspension, then Expulsion) for the same incident (ex. S-74444), the student would have two suspension records with the following ID's:
- S-74444
- S-74444*
If the student had three actions (eg. Mechanical Restraint, Suspension, then Expulsion), the ID's would would be:
- S-74444
- S-74444*
- S-74444**
Please note that the following values will need to match exactly:
- Incident Date
- Incident Class and Teacher
- Student Offense (#1, #2, #3)
- Student is Receiving Instructional Support while Suspended checkbox status