The State has issued guidance that both the P-2 and Annual ADA reporting periods will be from Month 1 through the last full school month prior to February 28, 2020.
With the P2 cutoff being the last full school month ending before 2/28 the day type of the following days does not really matter since they are not being used for ADA reporting purposes. In the calendar show here the last full school month is Month 6 so P2 is months 1 through 6.
You would run P2 as follows:
Compulsory Attendance UPDATE
As far as recording attendance after February, 2020 The State is saying: Districts are not expected to enforce compulsory attendance laws while schools are closed, but there is the expectation of providing continued education and support through distance learning.
We have a COVID-19 day type in the calendar that allows teachers to enter assignments on those days. Again since there is no attendance counting for ADA after Feb 28 it does not matter whether it is used or not.