Electronic Student Score Report (SSR) credentials must be generated by the LEA from the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) dashboard at https://mytoms.ets.org. The same credentials are used for both CAASPP (https://www.caaspp.org) and ELPAC (https://www.elpac.org). Coordinators should work closely together so as not to override each other’s generated credentials. Credentials must be regenerated every year (365 days) to continue seamless distribution of Student Score Reports (SSRs).
To enter/update those credentials in SchoolWise, please do the following:
1. Go to CAASPP.org
2. Click on TOMS button
3. Enter Email and Password
4. Get security code from email or cell phone text.
5. Choose your roll and click OK
6. Click Credentialing
7. Choose SchoolWise as SIS vendor
8. Check Authorization to Release…
9. Regenerate Credentials
10. Click Yes
11. Click Show Secret Key
12. Finally you have what you need: A user name and a Secret Key (i.e. Password)
13. Open up yourschool.schoolwise.com in another tab in your browser
14. Click District Options
15. Select the CAASPP Credentials tab and then copy and paste the credentials from TOMS to SchoolWise.
16. Click Save Changes