SchoolWise Web Reports
To access reports, click directly on a report name and then click the button that says “View Report”.
Report Parameters
Teachers only have access to their classes whereas administrators have access to the entire school.
Parameters (AKA Filters) allow you to access data based on your choices. Work your way from the top down since many sub filters are based on the previous choice. For example depending on the school year choice only that year’s teachers’ classes are available for viewing.
Click the Submit button to run the report and every time you change a parameter value.
The tree symbol opens a document map where you can jump from record to record quickly. Often the document map will be the names of the students in a section.
Clicking on the filter button restores the parameter selection.
The control buttons at the top of the page allow you to advance from page to page, zoom in and out, print, export and search. Experimenting with them is the best way to learn how they work.
Standards Based Report Cards
Section is another word for class.
Show Subject Average shows the overall grade for a subject. Some teachers want to display subject averages (middle school) others (lower elementary grades) do not.
For the subject average you can choose from current gradebook average or the permanent mark. The current average is constantly being calculated in the gradebook. The permanent mark is what is copied to the report card mark at the end of the term. It can be changed by a teacher in a situation where the calculated average is B+ but the teacher wants to give the student and A-. Most often they are the same.
Show GPA
Show Teacher In Course Name is for middle schools where students have different teachers for different subjects.
Show Discipline opens a box with totals for suspensions and referrals.
Preface skill with code places the skill code in front of the description.
Modifiable Report Title means that you can type in a different title for the report like “Progress Report” instead of “Report Card”.
Spanish Skills if family speaks Spanish. This accommodates skill text in Spanish. Please contact SchoolWise for more information on how to set this up.
Family Language is a filter where you can print report cards for all students, or only English or only Spanish speaking families. This can be used along with the parameters Spanish Skills if family speaks Spanish and Use Legend to print custom report cards that use mostly Spanish. Please contact SchoolWise for more information on how to use this.
Use Legend replaces the standard key…
with a custom legend.