Other Settings Menu Choices
Sort Students by Last Name is the default alphabetic order.
Sort Students by First Name means just that.
Sort Students by Class Rank sorts from highest to lowest average in the class.
Sort Assignments Newest First arranges the assignments across the grid from newest to oldest and unchecking sorts form oldest to newest.
Hide Unenrolled Students does not display students who have transferred out of the class and unchecking this option displays them in grayed-out italics.
Note: When unenrolled students are hidden and you use the Copy>> button to copy all the current grades into the Mark column (as explained above), the marks for unenrolled students will NOT be copied to the report card column. However if the unenrolled students are NOT hidden, their marks will be copied to the report card column.
Use Narrow Mark Columns shows the assignment names vertically as opposed to horizontally. The vertical display allows you to place twice as many assignments into the visible area of the gradebook.
Vertical Display
Horizontal Display