Generally you enter student scores as numbers.  The numeric scores figure into the average calculation.  If an assignment has a point value of 100, then a entering 90 calculates as 90%.  If there are only 5 points for an assignment, then entering a 4 calculates as 80%.  Giving a student scores of 99 on one assignment and 0 on another results in the following average.



Entering Notes with Scores


If you enter any letter (except M) the value is ignored, and essentially excused.




Even if you type in an F it still has no effect.


This is a useful feature because it allows you to enter a number, then a space and a short comment.  An example could be if a student turns an assignment in late, you could enter something like 70 late.  It will calculate the 70 but you still can see the comment.



Let's say a student is having issues at home or is just having an off day.  If you enter text first and then the number the score will be ignored.