The SchoolWise Student Information System has both Windows® desktop and web-based clients.  The desktop and web systems update each other within seconds depending on the speed of your internet connection.  (Technically speaking, your school or district has a local server running the Microsoft SQL Server® database which continually synchronizes over the internet with the SchoolWise web server.)


The desktop client (AKA SchoolWise Desktop) runs in the school office on Microsoft Windows and is the hub of the system.  The web system (AKA SchoolWise Web) has interfaces for teachers, students, parents, and administrators and runs in web browsers on PCs, Macs, Chromebooks, tablets, and even smart-phones.  The web system depends on configuration data (school calendar, courses, sections, staff information and student enrollments) maintained by the school office staff in the desktop system.

SchoolWise Web consists of four separately purchasable modules:

Web-Foundation - Includes both Standards-based  and Traditional Letter Grade gradebooks, Classroom attendance & Meal Counts, Report Cards, Web Reports, Parent Portal  with CAASPP scores and many other features

Parent Alert telephone, text and email mass notification system 

Online Student Registration,  re-registration, first day packets for parents

Online Payments for meals, after-school payments, etc.

The advantage to these modules is that they are all SchoolWise products and share a common database.  There are many third-party, grade-books, meal accounting systems, mass notification systems, online payments and even registration systems.  The problem with them is that they all require exports and imports from student information systems and are never really up to date.